
What's new

What's new

Here's what is new on Threads:
  • New keyboard shortcuts to use on inbox
  • Filter to only see threads that are due today
  • Update to search
New keyboard shortcuts to use on inbox
  1. Hit
    from any thread to follow-up on it or adjust your follow-up time
  2. Hit the 🔼 🔽 keys on Inbox to select a thread and act on it. Try hitting
    to quickly update the follow-up option without even going to the thread.
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Filter to only see threads that are due today
Filter your inbox to only see what you need to get to today. From the top right side of the Follow Up section of your inbox, toggle "Today Only" to just see the threads you plan to follow up on that are due today or are overdue.
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Update to search
Find what you're looking for faster with latest update to search. When you start your search with a person's name, you'll see threads and comments that they've written first.
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